Boone County Bail Bonds

Uptown Bail Bonds offers state and county bonding for all of Boone County, Indiana and all throughout Lebanon. When you need a bail bond company that can get you out of jail swiftly and securely, just call one of our licensed bail bondsman at 317-919-2489, day or night. We are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, getting people out of jail in Lebanon, IN. In addition to Boone County bail bonds, we also offer probation violation bonds, arrest warrant turn-in bonds, free jail information, free inmate lookup, free bail information, emergency bail bonds, and much more. Call 317-919-2489 to prearrange bail bonds for arrest warrants, or get yourself or a loved one out of jail in Boone County, IN, today.

Bail Bonds - Lebanon, Indiana
  • Open 24 Hours a Day and 7 Days a Week
  • 24 Hour Bail Bond Services
  • County and State Bonding
  • Free Inmate Lookup
  • Free Bail Information
  • Free Jail Information
  • Serving All of Lebanon, IN